Sunday, November 6, 2011

What Kind of Leader do you want to become?

                                                      What kind of leader do you follow?

Do you follow a leader because the way they dress? Do you follow a leader because of the words he uses, because you think he has an education?

The leader I follow is the leader that has a servant heart! This is a leader that put his team 1st and then himself. Have you ever heard someone say “he has a heart of Gold.” What that means is that he is a servant leader.

A servant leader recognizes when he has to step in and help his team, A good leader will help his new distributor with setting up meetings or appointments, making calls with his new recruit. If you are a good leader you don’t mind helping others even if they are not in your team.

What kind of leader do you want to be or become? Are you trying to convince others to join you or are you a good listener? What I mean, are you trying to sell your product or you asking question to see how your product can help them with their problem. Remember you have the solution to the problems that most people in this country and the World are facing today.

As you know if you convince someone to get the product or join your Home based business they will not last and you are going to have to convince them on everything else. Really you don't have time for that, become the type of leader that people will follow anywhere.

Don't spend time chasing after people, because you will lose the ones you already have. Spend more time developing and training your team. What I'm saying in simple words is become a coach, a mentor. Don’t be seen like you are desperate and begging people to be on your team.

Have a system in place that is duplicable to everyone. Be ready for 3 ways, be ready to do what it takes to be there for your team. My suggestion is to help your new distributor to go at least three levels down from them and to do the same with his other distributor.

A leader makes sure everyone is plugged in to the team and the company.

What kind of leader do you want to become?

Become part of our Revolution team at

Juan Sanchez
Founder, Team Intensity
united with Team Revolution

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