Thursday, April 8, 2010

"If you never have chanllenges you can never find out what you're capable of."

Here is a great story on Willie Jolley, an award-winning jazz singer who made his living as at a night club as a feature performer. One day the owner of the night club call Willie and told him they had to cut cost and he was let go. Instead of getting upset and blaming other people he decided to put a possitive attitude and started to change his life, you see he accepted responsibility for his success and happiness.

Willie was willing to work, and wait. We live in a society that needs instant gratification, instant cash, quick loans over the phone. Willie use the 5 feet rule, anyone within five feet from him was going to receive some kind of messeage. Willie pass out flyers in the subway in Washington D.C., Nothing fancy, but it was the best he can do at that time. Willie saw people throw the flyers in the trash, some people read them and some put them in their briefcase. But he never give up.

One day he gets a call from a lady in a goverment agency that wanted to hire him to give a speach. As you can see his positive mind set allowed him not to quit. You are always one step away from success.

You must let people know that you have value in the market place.

"If you can change your thinking, you can change everything around you."

This is just part of the story for the full story go to: Success magazine, Issue FEB 2010 page 71-story by Liz Davis

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